Thursday, 4 July 2019

 for communication we had to pick some anmils and reserch how thay communication I did a rabbit and a shark


this is my cartoon thing you got this pikcher and you had to pretend you where the person  in the bed and right what the dockter was saying to you and whatyou where thinking


this is my communication time line in ym class we are doing communication  and we had to mack a timeline only me and a cupple other people did it on paper most people did it on the computer you had to right info  about the thing but you had to put them in the oder you think for me I put  first it was cave panting Egyptian drawings Morse code Morse code Gmailpigeon mail letters oldin day phone buttin phone smart tv tablit smart phone and alexa and you hade to right n the dates of the year it was invented and the year thay stoped inventing it.