Friday, 16 August 2019

today in class I made this astronaut with the black skrch art  this was hard to do it tock all most all day and he is atached to a rope his name it  Phil I like this art
after school I went to my nana's and looked in her cool fruit disinsand I made these apple lefs  and I made my oun lemon ad the fesipes for the lemon ad was  the apples where hard to slice I ceped braking the apples.
2 lemons
3 or 4 tespons of suger
hot water and cold water

Thursday, 15 August 2019

this is my space art our class is macking space art I did the solur sistom and I did it in pastil the lines are out of a siver gliter pean and the stars are confety flitter stars this was fun to mack  and this is one of my favourite pieces of art

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Jake Bailey on Biteable.
my class is macking a vido or poster one jack Bailey he came to the school to talk about when he got cancer
Learning Intentins
- create something that show cases what you learnt  from jack
-you can rrescarch to tell some of his histary
-share on your blog